How to install

Version 2.3
Copyright (C) 2005 Yuniar Setiawan

Installing smiletag is very easy, in simple word, you just need to unzip and change some file permission into writable (chmod 666), and smiletag is ready.

However, I will try to explain you how to install smiletag in a step by step way as shown below:

1. Uncompressing the file

If you are using windows, simply unzip the using tool such as WinZip or WinRAR. If you are using Linux and downloaded the smiletag-latest.tar.gz, then you can uncompress it by typing this command in the console: tar xzvf smiletag-latest.tar.gz

2. Uploading the files

After you uncompress the file, you will find a directory called smiletag, with files inside of it. Upload this directory and all files inside of it into your site root directory.

So now you will have a new directory called smiletag with file structure similar to the one shown below:



















3. Changing file permission

Since world writable files are needed for smiletag, you MUST change the permission for all *.xml files under data folder.

If you are using a windows client to upload the files, such as SmartFTP or CuteFTP or WS_FTP Pro you can simply right click to the file and choose the chmod command. Make sure that the file has write permission.

If you are using Linux, use the chmod command. For example:

chmod 666 messages.xml

4. Embedding smiletag to your page

If you already done the previous steps, then smiletag is up and running. You can see it by opening your browser and point it to the sample.html file. For example:

You will see smiletag with empty messages. Give it a try ;) But auto-refresh feature is not working yet in this sample mode.

Now, after you have fun with it. It's time to embed smiletag into your desired page. In this tutorial, I will embed smiletag into index.php in the root directory.

To embed smiletag into index.php you need to copy two html section from sample.html. Open sample.html file and you will find code similar as below:

<!-- X.Start copy here -->
<!-- X.End copy here -->

X is a number from 1 until 2.

You must copy all two of those html sections into your page. Put it anywhere you like. But for the first section (number 1), I suggest you put it inside <head></head> tag, as it will speed up your page load time better.

Now you need to modify the path inside those three sections, so the form and iframe have the right action/source. Find four lines below :

var smiletagURL = "http://WWW.EXAMPLE.COM/smiletag/

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="smiletag-script.js"></script>

<iframe name="iframetag" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" src="view.php" width="190" height="300">

<form name="smiletagform" method="post" action="post.php" target="iframetag">

and change its path to:

var smiletagURL = "";

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="smiletag/smiletag-script.js"></script>

<iframe name="iframetag" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" src="smiletag/view.php" width="190" height="300">

<form name="smiletagform" method="post" action="smiletag/post.php" target="iframetag">

5. Configuration

Well, right now your smiletag should be up and running with the default configuration. There are lots of smiletag features which can be set from the Admin Panel. To open your admin panel go to.

Login with the default username & password

user: admin
password: admin

You can (MUST!) change this default password by editing the password.php file which placed inside smiletag folder.

If you have any question or comment, please mailto:

yuniarsetiawan [at] smiletag [dot] com

Hope you enjoy this script ;)

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