up * @param array Information for the image popup * @param array Content type handled by this editor, used to set specific CSS * @param string String value of this content type, e.g. vBForum_Post * @param int Contentid of this item, if it exists already * @param int Parent contentid of this item * @param bool Is this a preview text? Don't autoload if it is * @param bool Don't autoload, regardless .. * @param string Autoload title.. * @param string HTML id of title field * * @return string Editor ID */ function construct_edit_toolbar( $text = '', $ishtml = false, $forumid = 0, $allowsmilie = true, $parsesmilie = true, $can_attach = false, $editor_type = 'fe', $force_editorid = '', $attachinfo = array(), $content = 'content', $contenttypeid = '', $contentid = 0, $parentcontentid = 0, $preview = false, $autoload = true, $autoloadtitleid = '' ) { // standard stuff global $vbulletin, $vbphrase, $show; // templates generated by this function global $messagearea, $smiliebox, $disablesmiliesoption, $checked, $vBeditTemplate; // misc stuff built by this function global $istyles; // co