@if "%_echo%" == "" @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion pushd . rem === This script is used as a dev install for the Server Migration team. rem === All the SvrMig and migration engine binaries and symbols are copied rem === to their appropriate places when this is run on a test server. rem === Path to SvrMig binaries directory if "!Binaries!" == "" ( set Binaries=%~dp0 rem Strip trailing backslash. set Binaries=!Binaries:~0,-1! ) rem === Path to destination set Dest=!WinDir!\System32\MigWiz set SvrMigDest=!WinDir!\System32\ServerMigrationTools if not exist %Dest% mkdir %Dest% if not exist %SvrMigDest% mkdir %SvrMigDest% rem === Debug: echo all directory env vars echo Binaries="!Binaries!" echo Dest="!Dest!" rem === check that Server Migration binaries exist if not exist "!Binaries!\svrmig.dll" ( echo Unable to locate Server Migration binaries in "!Binaries!". goto :end ) rem === check that Server Migration binaries exist if not exist "!Binaries!\migcore.dll" ( echo Unable to locate migration engine binar